Finance BP (J241101007)
• 梳理生态业务模块规划与优先级,拉通战略目标与资源匹配,完善预算编制与执行管理;
• 协调内外部相关方,牵头搭建业务落地平台与财税方案,满足合规遵从与集团治理要求;
• 搭建业财一体看板,细化核心指标体系,强化各业务模块的运营监测与投入产出管理;
• 积极协调相关资源支持业务跑通与增长,及时预警战略与经营层面重大事项及相关风险;
• 对特定业务模块和项目开展专项经营分析,输出有效洞察牵引资源分配调整与经营决策;
About the role:
As IBG mobility business continuously grows, new business and creative projects were created within SSL Mobility, including new user acquisition channels, local business partnership, fleet partner model and EV initiatives. In order to support acceleration of abovementioned initiatives building up ecosystem for our core mobility business, we are looking for a competitive finance BP manager to take the role as segment finance controller.
• Participate into strategy and business planning formulation for multiple business modules, match appropriate priority levels and build up budget management framework plus process;
• Collaborate with key stakeholders to design landing route for business initiatives and special projects, including holding structure, financing source and tax planning, in order to satisfy requirements from both local compliance and group-level corporate governance;
• Set up dashboards with appropriate selection and definition for key metrics, provide accurate, well-rounded and timely tracking for operational performance and lifecycle ROI;
• As business partner to support new business to land and to grow, meanwhile identify key strategic, financial and operational risks as well as mitigate negative impacts;
• Conduct zoom-in financial analysis onto different segments or functional areas, deliver insights to direct resource allocation and key decision making;
• 工商管理、市场营销和工程管理相关专业本科及以上学历,海外留学背景为加分项;
• 3-5年财务管理、市场行销或项目管理经验,主机厂、汽车流通或车辆运营行业经验优先;
• 清晰的逻辑条理和财务模型搭建能力,MS-Excel要求精通,熟悉数据分析工具为加分项;
• 良好的英语沟通与写作能力,英语要求C1及以上,西班牙语为加分项;
• 有效的跨团队沟通协作能力及流程梳理与项目推进能力;
• 高效自驱、适应高强度与弹性工作节奏,乐于拥抱动态商业环境与多元文化;
• Bachelor’s degree on business administration, marketing or engineering, master’s degree and overseas study experience would be a plus;
• 3-5 years’ experience for finance management, Go-to-Market or project management, car relevant industries’ exposure is a plus (e.g. Manufacturer, dealership and etc.);
• Strong analytical and finance modelling skills, excellent MS-Excel requested, know-how for SQL, power BI and Python is an advantage;
• Well verbal and written English, C1 or above requested, Spanish is an advantage;
• Effective cross-team communication and process/ project management capabilities;
• Self-motivated team player who could deal with both pressure and flexibility to work, enthusiastic to succeed within vibrant business environment and embrace culture diversity;